ramadhan ptptn and college..you gonna love this..

Salam guys..ok today ive call ptptn asking bout my short loan sebab nak harap pihak kolej,ape pown dia owg x tau tapi handle student ptptn…aikk…kau handle student ptptn,then masalah aku ko boleh jawab “eh mane saye tahu hal awak,awak nak cakap saye x buat kerja ke??” hey dumbass,I didn’t said that u don’t do ur work u said that and hal aku pown x leh handle,better antar surat je berhenti..ops,I forgot,of course u need money from student..arghhh….aku malas nak panas time puasa2 nie,wat aku lapar je.so I called ptptn,they said mmng x leh buat ape dah…and I was like…uhh ok,malas nak gaduh so aku pown tanye la pasal future how much ive to pay to ptptn…so she stated like this

When u buat loan that sum of loan,u need to settle it within 120months,in calculations its ten years.and if u settle all the loan within 6 months after ure done with ur study,u tidak discharge kos pentadbiran ape lannciaoooo…my calculation around 10% cam 2 la…9.something arounf that figure….so the main point is yang aku pelik settle loan within 6 months….dude,baik bayar cash je…sape sanggup bayar…arghhhh aku malas actually nak kuar status kat fb tapi kena jugak la sebab 1,aku terlalu marah and meluat both side…sumpah jijik…and second,nak bg orang budak mata and baca ape aku tulis bagi sedar sikit,duk makan duit je kerja x buat,jadi bebal la…this stupid faggots….arghhhhh!!!


Its really ruin my morning…aku baru nk chillax2 bulan puasa nie…hellow,people are payin u lmost 20k per person,so x kan bebal sgt sampai cam 2….x malu ke orang lain duk menyumpah kau senyap2…nak sedar sampai bila??Sampai berot tu dah kuat cacing???mcm 2??idk what to say anymore….

Yang swasta dengan cara dia…yang government nak kenyangkan krooni dia…haish….kita semua yang sangkut tengah2...macai always will said that all th same word,trust me…salam..maaf kalau bahasa kasar sebab carat u ja ajar baru paham sebab dah tua2 nie bodoh bebai macam lembu.

Thursday, July 18, 2013 at 11:52 AM

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